Yes folks, The Ghostrider is riding away. Due to the atmosphere, it is unwise to continue writing the blog. Departments and the media is cracking down on police blogs. What that means is I don't want to be discovered. An officer posted something on a social media site and it went national with the AP News Service. The job is first.
Secondly, The hardest decision I made is I left home today. I hooked up the trailer and moved out. I hope things will work out, maybe with some therapy it might. Every ones reaction was "because you work too much". That is not a cause of the leaving, it was a way I could cope. So My life will be filled with drama for a while. I will not delete the blog entirely just in case I decide to post something. I also want to stalk y'all blogs and maybe write a comment.
For those of y'all who do the facebook thing sent me your info so I can friend you. That is tame on there and just a way to keep up with peoples current activities, no posts that are job specific, I do broad posts to keep in line with departmental policy.
I salute each and everyone of my "follower's" and thank you for stopping by.
Sorry to hear it - I enjoy your blog. Hope everything works out in your personal life.
Well, hell. I was afraid it'd come to this. I've got a Facebook badge on my blog if you want to get in touch there. If not, I'll miss reading this blog and I hope things work out for you on all fronts.
Goog luck brother. Now you see why when I write about police stuff, it's old history---most of those who were invovled are gone...
I am so sorry to hear your news. I have really enjoyed reading your blog. I wish you well and hope every thing works out for you.
I'm going to miss your posts and am sorry that the atmosphere has come to this.
I hope everything works out for you and that life straightens out.
TG I am really going to miss reading your posts but I understand your decision.
On a personal note I hope things work out for you and yours and that life treats you kindly. Take care of yourself and good luck in all you do.
Good luck to you, Sir. I've enjoyed your blog for the past few months.
CR Pyro
Feelin' sorry for myself 'cause I'm gonna miss this blog.
But please, please take care of YOU. I hope everything starts to look up, and soon. Best wishes to yu
Good luck to you. Take good care.
You know where to find me, brother. I'm here if you need someone to talk to, or if there is ever anything I can do for you.
You know, of course, I've enjoyed the blog greatly. And you've given me spiritual insight via your comments into some Native American history on the Texas Coast that I didn't have before. And I'm better for that knowledge, which I've passed on to my son.
Keep it cool.
You know where to find me, brother. I'm here if you need someone to talk to, or if there is ever anything I can do for you.
You know, of course, I've enjoyed the blog greatly. And you've given me spiritual insight via your comments into some Native American history on the Texas Coast that I didn't have before. And I'm better for that knowledge, which I've passed on to my son.
Keep it cool.
Good luck TGR, keep the greasy side down.
Ah Crap, TGR.... Well, choices are never easy but always right! Keep your chin up and your back to the wind. Ciao bella
I'm very sorry to hear about both situations.
TGR..I sit here with tears in my eyes fore you were one that I found more than interesting and faithfully visited.
You brought insight to the working end of law enforcement in a more personal way than a tv show ever could...especially with the "I found it now you name it" and those wonderful "Ties".
It sadden me to hear that there are personal problems that are touching your heart and soul. I will lift my songs of prayer to the Creator during my morning ritual to ask him to send a gentle touch to help ease the agony of the affairs of the heart.
Do your best to keep the 2-wheeler in the up-right position as you race down the highway.
Take care of yourself.
You WILL be sorely missed.
I will keep you in my "follow" log for the once in a blue moon posting.
Miss Em
TGR, I'll keep in contact via email & FB. :)
TGR, take it easy man...will c u soon.
Sorry to hear about your blog...
But I understand about the PD's reason (excuse) for wanting to keep track of those wild heretics (officers that speak the truth), and not any negativity about THE JOB come out.
Maybe the brass need some "time out" in the nearest confessional.
Just a thought.
Really sorry to hear about you moving out. I'm hoping it's a temp gig for you and the family.
YOu've gotten quite the folowing, and I'm positive they're ALL there for 'ya.
I'll always "have the light on" at my blog for you, too.
You're more than welcome to comment...or whatever else trips the trigger.
You stay strong and never let your courage get away.
Roll safe out there, partner.
And thanks for being who YOU are.
Sorry to see you go, but we all know why, and many of us anticipate the same day for our own blogs. Thanks for sharing and letting us in for a while.
Best wishes Sir...
I will miss you much! Best of luck to you in all things.
Very sorry to hear you are leaving the blog world. Will miss you greatly. Stay in touch and shoot me an email once in awhile. Also...stay strong during your times of change in your personal life...if you need an ear..just hollah! Hugs.
You'll be missed TGR!!! We hope to hear from your from time to time. Sorry for the drama in your life. I hope it all works out for the best. Stay strong. And stay safe!
Any news? Updates? what is your FB page, I will friend you! Curious as to how you are coping.... Gia
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