This Blog has gone dark for over a year. Did it exist in the first place? Did The Texas Ghostrider exist? I can't answer those questions other then I spotted some odd ties in H Town. The Texas Ghostrider may exist or not.
I do know he has moved on from the old. He is divorced now, he has been living in a fifth wheel trailer for over a year and he has found peace with himself. He may still be fighting the forces of evil that sociaty throws his way. He may still fight for the victims of crimes that can't fight for themselves. He still may ride the roads in wonder. But he has found peace for himself.
He still has issues with leaving his son and ex wife, but he knew he had to for self preservation. He does see his son and tries to be a big part of his son's life. Some will call him a coward for riding away, Some will hate him. Some realize he made the toughest decision that he ever has. Some realize, seeing the death and distruction that the human race has took a toll on him and he had to ride to survive.
Some gathered around him in support. Some knew he did what was best for him and his son. Some came close to him after the divorce. Some love him, others hate him. Some will never realize what he has been through. Some knows what he has been through and holds him, tells him he is loved.
Myth or Legend? for some he is........
For others.........
He is just a man.......
For one.......
He is dad......
For me? He is a rider on the wind.......
The Wind is calling his name.....
You will never be able to please everyone, so don't try. It is totally you life and only you knows what is right for you and yours. Adjustments will be made by everyone that matters. The rest, you can do nothing about. Glad you are back - for how ever long you hang around. Good luck.
What Coffeypot said...and welcome back!
So glad to see you online again!
And Hugs for all the life changes you have been through
Just as long as he didn't move to California.
The title Berkley Ghostrider doesn't seem as effective.
Glad I kept you on my subscription list.
What they said. Sorry to hear about the divorce. That had to be rough. Look forward to seeing more from you.
Welcome back!
how funny to see you back...i just revisited my site and was going through blogs i use to follow and a few days ago i saw you hadn't been on in a while too..and now YOU'RE BACK too!
Change happens..and it sounds like you have found peace with it all..look forward to reading you again!
I hope you did find Peace. It eludes many of us at times and the reasons are never trivial or lightweight.
I'm glad I kept your site in my 'favorites' and stopped by to check on you from time to time...
All The Best,
Frank W. James
Good to have to back and hope the personal side works out....
Oh, THERE you are!
Welcome back to the blogosphere, T.G. You were missed.
And life is a wild ride...never know what's around the corner! Sounds like you're keeping your balance and taking the bumps with a good attitude.
I'm always here for ya! :)
So glad you are back.
I looked for you at the contact you sent, but never did find you! I am glad you found peace and bet each day you continue to peel back and find all that was hidden by the heroic acts you performed day after day after day as The Ghostrider! Sadly, superheros in real life are only human too!
A little late in the game, but I too just noticed your brief return, and wanted to throw out my own support for you, it was nice to see an update.
Am please d to see you back here.i will keep your side in my favorites.
"SORRY ALL OUT OF MERCY" Look no further as to look so shall you find...
Still would love to see you on the "comeback trail"...you have LOTS of folks missing you out here.
Stay safe
All the ideas which you have mention, are really very grateful the things which you have given are very unique and it can help me in creating new ideas and designing... :-)
Hey Ghost Rider,
I used to read your blog, but you dropped off the plains before I started blogging. I would have had you on my blogroll in a new york minute...I enjoyed your blog immensely.
When you return to blogging, your fans will drop in like days of old.
nice information Tech
Oh, it's real alright. If Heaven and Hell exists, so does the ghost rider. Here is what I know:
Before he became the ghost rider, he was a cattle rustler who just through cows off of Stampede Mesa. He claimed he do it, but the ranchers killed anyway. Not just kill him as in hanging, but did the same to him as he did to there cattle. The ranchers just tied him to his horse, blind folded them both, and let them fall off the plateau to their deaths. Now he came back for revenge; if they wanted to kill him, they will give him a reason to. So at night, his spirit comes back for revenge and drives all the cattle off the Stampede Mesa.
Ghost rider is a man that made a deal with the Devil to save his father. He other name. He go by in legend reborn
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