Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Ghostrider Rides Away

Yes folks, The Ghostrider is riding away. Due to the atmosphere, it is unwise to continue writing the blog. Departments and the media is cracking down on police blogs. What that means is I don't want to be discovered. An officer posted something on a social media site and it went national with the AP News Service. The job is first.

Secondly, The hardest decision I made is I left home today. I hooked up the trailer and moved out. I hope things will work out, maybe with some therapy it might. Every ones reaction was "because you work too much". That is not a cause of the leaving, it was a way I could cope. So My life will be filled with drama for a while. I will not delete the blog entirely just in case I decide to post something. I also want to stalk y'all blogs and maybe write a comment.

For those of y'all who do the facebook thing sent me your info so I can friend you. That is tame on there and just a way to keep up with peoples current activities, no posts that are job specific, I do broad posts to keep in line with departmental policy.

I salute each and everyone of my "follower's" and thank you for stopping by.

Friday, February 11, 2011


As y'all can see I have deleted the majority of my posts. I guess I am the worse kept secret around the department and in this area as who I really am. The Command Staff or IA has not contacted me yet but I figure it will be just a matter of time.

I found that the Houston Chronicle had a link to my blog. I never intended for this blog to blow up like it has. I just wanted to vent by writing. Not in my wildest dreams did I think I would get the following that I have. I never imagined meeting people from all over the world. I am truly lucky and blessed.

So decisions, decisions. I can not continue to write what I want to write. I can not explain how messed up the criminal justice system is and how messed up police departments can be. I can not write about what I see and hear out on the streets. The American public has freedom of speech, a cop don't.

So what do I do? Do I just post tie pictures and meal reviews? Do I write about riding my motorcycle and those adventures? Do I still post caption pictures? How about all the pretty girl pictures? What is to far? When do I cross the line?

Do I comment on officer safety and training issues? How about issues that are not talked about, like suicides, the divorce rate and the rate of cops drinking themselves to death? What will I be able to get away with? What will get me in trouble with my department or get me subpoenaed to court?

If I can't go balls to the wall do I even go at all? I have to decide what to do. I have a lot of life changing decisions that will be made with in the next week or two (my own set deadline) and this blog is only one of them.