This Blog has gone dark for over a year. Did it exist in the first place? Did The Texas Ghostrider exist? I can't answer those questions other then I spotted some odd ties in H Town. The Texas Ghostrider may exist or not.
I do know he has moved on from the old. He is divorced now, he has been living in a fifth wheel trailer for over a year and he has found peace with himself. He may still be fighting the forces of evil that sociaty throws his way. He may still fight for the victims of crimes that can't fight for themselves. He still may ride the roads in wonder. But he has found peace for himself.
He still has issues with leaving his son and ex wife, but he knew he had to for self preservation. He does see his son and tries to be a big part of his son's life. Some will call him a coward for riding away, Some will hate him. Some realize he made the toughest decision that he ever has. Some realize, seeing the death and distruction that the human race has took a toll on him and he had to ride to survive.
Some gathered around him in support. Some knew he did what was best for him and his son. Some came close to him after the divorce. Some love him, others hate him. Some will never realize what he has been through. Some knows what he has been through and holds him, tells him he is loved.
Myth or Legend? for some he is........
For others.........
He is just a man.......
For one.......
He is dad......
For me? He is a rider on the wind.......
The Wind is calling his name.....